The podcast API that does <span style="color:#ff0065;">everything</span>. The podcast API that does <span style="color:#ff0065;">everything</span>.

The podcast API that does everything.

Search • Reviews • Charts • Credits • Engagement • Audience Size • Demographics • Contacts • and More!

Tap into the most comprehensive podcast database with a podcast API built specifically to drive discovery for listeners, podcasters, and brands.

Get Started for Free
1000 +
Host, Guest, & Crew Credits
1111111 +

Podchaser's API is built to power podcast discovery.

Comprehensive Directory

Podchaser tracks podcasts across multiple feed sources to ensure the most up-to-date podcast database out there. We never miss an episode.

Host, Guest, & Crew Credits

Power search and discovery with Podchaser's roster of over 16 million creator and guest credits — the only source for podcast appearances.

Reach & Power Score™

Get the ultimate backstage pass to each podcast's popularity, influence, and reach. Great for agencies, content teams, and brands.


Breakdown podcast audiences by relevant demographic and psychographic segments.


Podchaser's groundbreaking AI-powered capability to allow advertisers to expand their reach in podcasting and refine their targeting further than ever before. Learn more.

Robust Metadata

Combining authenticated crowdsourced data with rich technical information, Podchaser goes beyond the RSS feed to deliver an incomparable set of metadata.

Ratings & Reviews

Integrate Podchaser's ratings and reviews for podcasts and individual episodes. Seamlessly allow users to add their own ratings without leaving your ecosystem.


Create and integrate lists of podcasts and episodes to engage users with uniquely human discovery opportunities.

Top Podcast Charts

Discover the most popular podcasts across categories, countries, and the top directories, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Listen Tracking & Bookmarking

Give listeners the tools they need to track their favorite podcasts and queue the ones they're interested in.

Sponsors & Ad Spend

Access sponsor data for the top 5,000 podcasts’ past sponsors and each brand’s sponsor history with estimated ad spend.

Similar Podcats

The most advanced podcast similarity graph is at your fingertips to power discovery, compare benchmarks, or source new opportunities.

The ultimate API for all your podcast needs.

Featured Image

Build a podcast app that users can't put down.

Leverage Podchaser's platform to drive engagement and deliver tailored content to users for the ultimate listener experience. Build upon Podchaser's podcast search and user profiles to sync follows, activity, and more.

  • Podcast Search and Discovery
  • Podcast and Episode Ratings/Reviews
  • Hosts, Creators, and Guest Appearance Credits
  • Curated Playlists
  • Similar and Related Podcasts
  • Log In with Podchaser Credentials
  • User Profile Syncing
  • And more!
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Gain a strategic advantage with data-driven insights.

Supercharge any service with Podchaser Pro and access reach, contacts, demographics, and more than 99.99% of active podcasts. Great for media monitoring, campaign building, content acquisition, and planning.

  • Audience Size for All Podcasts
  • Demographics
  • Verified Contact Info
  • Charts (Apple Podcasts & Spotify)
  • Collections+
  • Sponsor History
  • And more!
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Seamlessly integrate services with the podcast ecosystem.

Power your podcast app and service by giving users the ability to quickly log in with their podcast resumé, connect credits, sync information, pull podcast data, and more.

  • User Profiles
  • Detailed Podcast Data
  • Topics
  • Trend Analysis
  • Similar Podcasts
  • And more!
Featured Image

Create a hosting platform that helps podcasters grow.

Podchaser's API brings high-growth features to hosting and publishing, allowing podcasters to optimize their podcast for success. Add credits and insights to your platform to stand out.

  • Directly Submit to Podchaser
  • Add Credits to Podcasts and Episodes
  • Analytics & Insights
  • Discovery Tool Integrations
  • And more!

A podcast API you can rely on.

You're in good hands with Podchaser's podcast API, made with love for developers and no-coders.


Robust & Scalable

The world's most comprehensive podcast database at your fingertips and custom white-glove service at the ready to help any project.


Fast, Reliable, & Accurate

Our unique architecture is specifically engineered to deliver a consistent, always up-to-date experience that provides the information you need, when you need it, with the accuracy you depend on.


Best-in-Class Support

Clear and concise documentation, along with dedicated API support teams working around the clock, provide the support and guidance you need.

Pricing Tiers


Small Projects and Apps


Essential Package

Access essential data fields, endpoints, & Podchaser engagement features.


Login with Podchaser
Directory & Search
Host, Creator, & Guest Credits
Ratings & Reviews
User-curated Lists
Listen Tracking & Bookmarks

Up to 25,000 points per month

Get Started


Mid-Large Projects and Apps


Up Your Game

Get more information and query points to power your project.


Similar Podcast Relationship Graphs
Hi-res Images
Priority Support
Scalable Pricing
White Labeling
Custom Solutions
and more!

Requires upgraded service

Get Started

Pro Podchaser Pro Logo

Professional Services


Powerful Data Solutions

Access Podchaser Pro insights for the ultimate experience.


Audience Size & Demographics
Verified Contact Info
Charts (Apple Podcasts & Spotify)
Podchaser Power Score™
Sponsor History
Brand Safety
and more!

Requires upgraded service

Get Started

Popular podcast API uses

Whether you’re looking for an API to drive your podcast player, upgrade your music app, create a smart speaker app, or
supercharge your content curation services, Podchaser’s podcast API is here to power your discovery and search.

Podchaser has been seen in

The all-in-one podcast API, built to power discovery.

Get Started