Pull back the curtain on the most valuable data and information about podcasts

Discover the right podcasts in your niche

Discover the right podcasts in your niche

Find exactly what you're looking for and uncover hidden opportunities. Search by topics, demographics, insights, & more.

Vet each podcast with trusted data and analytics

Vet each podcast with trusted data and analytics

All the insights you need to make data-driven decisions for your campaigns and take the win back to the client!

Access the largest podcast contacts database

Access the largest podcast contacts database

Save countless hours with access to contacts, broken out by role for each podcast.

Exclusive Features

Audience Reach

The days of reading tea leaves and trusting self-reported data is over. Podchaser Pro shows you the most useful reach data and analytics.

Listener Demographics

Discover podcasts that speak to your target audience with detailed demographics and location information.

Podchaser’s Power Score™

Our proprietary score of a podcast’s influence based on over 30 different data points, including reach, subscribers, cross platform presence, & more.

Contact Info & Exports 

Podchaser Pro's podcast contact database gives you one-click contacts (many of which aren’t publicly available) and bulk exporting.

Brand Safety

Vet potential advertising opportunities faster and more confidently with AI-driven Brand Safety metrics.

Social Handles & Analytics 

See which podcasts have built a following across social media and on which platforms they’re most engaging.

Sponsor Data

See the top brands sponsoring podcasts, including ad spend and which shows they’ve worked with.

Ad Rate Cards

Immediate estimates of how much it would cost to sponsor a podcast, broken down by pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll.

Bottom Line: Podchaser Pro is an incredibly useful tool for podcast marketing or booking guests or promoting to media or for research and development.

— Joshua Dudley —

Best-in-Class Service & Performance

Get Personalized white-glove support

Podchaser staff is here to help! Whether you need a demonstration or help figuring something out, our customer success team will be there to assist you in any way possible!

A Trustworthy, Independent Source

Our agnostic and commission-free approach gives you peace of mind. Podchaser Pro is the only service to give you accurate data and analytics for all podcasts.

The most comprehensive podcast database

Podchaser makes discovering and qualifying podcasts easier than ever with ratings and reviews, human-curated lists, creator and guest credits, advanced search, and so much more.

Podchaser has been seen in

Supercharge Earned & Traditional
Media Podcast Campaigns

Whether you’re looking to generate earned media through podcast interviews or build an effective ad campaign, Podchaser Pro and its podcast contact database gives you the tools to maximize any opportunity.

Access Pro data seamlessly via our Podcast API!

Get booked as a guest on podcasts with Podchaser Connect!