Gain key insight into where podcast advertisers are spending their money.

Use our podcast sponsors database to monitor competitors, source new partners/sales prospects, and discover content acquisition targets.

Podcast Sponsors Database

Podcast Sponsor History

Past Sponsors

See each podcast and episode's list of sponsors, including number of episodes and spend ranges.

Episode Insights

Quickly find which brands sponsored an episode with the new episode insights page.

Brands Sponsoring Podcasts

Brand Sponsor History

Brand Pages

See each brand's sponsor history, including their total stats on podcasts and ad spend.

Coming Soon

Top brands by ad spend, airchecks, categories, and more.

API for Podcast Sponsors

API Access

Podcast Sponsors API

Power you apps and services with direct access to Podchaser's podcast sponsors database – including sponsor history, ad spend, and episode reach.

Media Monitoring

Supercharge your media monitoring platform with sponsor data from the latest episodes of the top podcasts.

More Podchaser Pro Features

Audience Reach

The days of reading tea leaves and trusting self-reported data is over. Podchaser Pro shows you the most useful reach data and analytics.

Listener Demographics

Discover podcasts that speak to your target audience with detailed demographics and location information.

Podchaser’s Power Score™

Our proprietary score of a podcast’s influence based on over 30 different data points including audience size, social influence, and more.

Contact Info & Exports 

Podchaser Pro's podcast contact database gives you one-click contacts (many of which aren’t publicly available) and bulk exporting.

Top Podcast Charts

Discover the most popular podcasts across categories, countries, and the top directories, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google.

Social Handles & Analytics 

See which podcasts have built a following across social media and on which platforms they’re most engaging.

Robust Metadata 

Combining authenticated crowdsourced data with rich technical information, Podchaser goes beyond the RSS feed to deliver an incomparable set of metadata. 

Build Lists & Take Notes

Track your campaigns and targets with custom, shareable lists and take notes on any podcast page.